Even a Small Cavity Needs Timely Dental Care to Repair the Tooth
Cavities are typically the result of poor oral hygiene habits that have allowed the natural bacteria in your mouth to exploit a mildly compromised area of tooth enamel. This is even more likely to occur if you have been lax about attending your regular dental checkup at Discovery Park Dental.
With early detection and diagnosis, Dr. Nitya Balan can often treat a small cavity with an amalgam or composite filling. This is a sound preventative measure to keep bacteria from gaining access to the sensitive internal structures of the tooth, which would require more invasive treatment.
The first step in the process involves numbing the tooth and surrounding gums to keep you comfortable throughout the treatment. Then, Dr. Nitya Balan will use a drill to remove the decayed enamel. This will provide a clean, healthy enamel surface for the final filling to adhere to.
The specific material Dr. Nitya Balan suggests for your filling will depend on the tooth’s primary function and its appearance in your smile.
Composite fillings are made from a special dental-grade plastic material. They can be shaded to perfectly match the surrounding tooth enamel. Amalgam fillings are made from a blend of special dental-grade metals. They are dark in color, making them better for repairing a cavity that isn’t visible in your smile.
Once the filling has been applied, Dr. Nitya Balan will use a special ultraviolet light to cure and bond the filling to the rest of the healthy tooth. Improved oral hygiene habits and regular attendance to your dental checkup will allow the tooth to last for many years to come.
If you live in Cedar Park, Texas, and you have a tooth distressed by a cavity, you should call 512.260.8330 to seek timely diagnosis and treatment at Discovery Park Dental.